
Dispel 7 Myths To Unlock Hybrid Workforce Potential

Only 30 percent of the workforce in the U.S. worked from home before the COVID-19 surfaced. However, this number surged overnight in the first weeks of the pandemic. Various companies began prioritizing their workers’ health and safety. As a result, the employees had to work remotely. Although unintended, the research showed enterprises that their workforce is productive. More so, if they’re flexible to work when and where they feel comfortable.

Now that administrators have to decide whether to work remotely, return to the office or adopt a hybrid model, we have to address several remote working myths that have popped up amid the pandemic. Below is a list of seven myths dispelled by a study by Gartner to unlock the potential of a hybrid workforce.

Myth 1: The current working from home strategy will apply to the hybrid workforce. The truth is, a true hybrid workforce strategy extends beyond remote work. Such a model, allow employers and workers to collaborate and find the ideal work flexibility.

Myth 2: Employees’ output lessens out of the office. The last two years are evident enough that remote workers put in more hours and deliver higher performance.

Myth 3: Enterprises need to measure and manage employee performance. Contrary to this statement, workers thrive in a flexible work environment. Where there is more flexibility in terms of working hours and location, productivity increases.

Myth 4: Company tasks can’t be handled remotely. Amid the pandemic, most employees executed various tasks in the comfort of their home offices. A hybrid work model allows workers to enjoy the best of both worlds. They can handle various responsibilities on-premise and off-site.

Myth 5: There’s a need for an in-person constant for remote work sustainability. We live in a new age, where trust and collaboration are at the forefront of most companies’ values. And these values are not limited to a physical space.

Myth 6: A Hybrid model limits DEI (diversity, equality, and inclusion) strategies. Frankly, this model takes diversity to greater heights. That’s because employers can dive into a more diverse talent pool.

Myth 7: A hybrid work model creates duplicates of a company’s IT infrastructure. In reality, resilient organizations tend to adjust their IT infrastructure to support their needs and those of their employees. So, adopting strategies to support remote, on-site, and hybrid models is a worthwhile move.

In conclusion, a hybrid workplace model presents future-ready businesses with an opportunity to support employees while remaining competitive. As you can see, it’s imperative for firms to debunk hybrid workforce myths and support their employees. This way, they can promote productivity and scalability.


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